Savannah and light forests of Australia

Gradually, in the direction to the north and east, the semi-deserts pass into savannas – the vast edges of grasses. In the area of ​​savannah in Australia are second only to deserts. They are located in the northern part of the continent in the conditions of the subequatorial climate, as well as in the more humid areas of the tropical and subtropical belts in the east and south-west. Rains here are rare, in the dry period the grass is dried up by the sun, the soil dries up. But as soon as the rain falls, the savannah turns into an ocean of grasses that are excited by the breeze of the wind, like our corn fields. Red and yellow savanna soils are very fertile.

Vegetation is adapted to high temperatures and a small amount of precipitation. Thus, some species of eucalyptus have a white bark and bright foliage, which reflect the sun’s rays. Among the grasses there are kangaroo grass, blue grass and other grains. Instead of baobabs in the savannah of Australia, eucalyptus, as well as acacias, fragrant peach trees grow among the herbage, and in the north – bottle trees accumulating water in their thick trunks.

With the advent of Europeans to Australia, along with cereals were imported their satellites – weeds. For example, prickly pear cactus. It multiplied so much that it displaces fodder grasses.

Savannas gradually pass into eucalyptus woodlands. Here lives a giant kangaroo whose growth exceeds 2 m. A distant relative of the African ostrich is the Australian emu – flying bird, with a height of 1.5 m. Echidna feeds on numerous ants and termites. Near the rivers the platypus settles, hunting for fish, mollusks and worms. Forestlands occupy slightly more than 5.5% of the territory in Australia. Types of soils, as well as species composition of plants and forest animals, vary depending on climatic conditions.



