1. Why is it important to know the geographic location of the continent? What are the characteristics of the geographical location of Africa?
Geographical position is the leading concept in geography. Other geographic characteristics also depend on the geographic location. Africa can be called the warmest continent based only on the characteristics of its geographical location. Remember and name them.
2. Name the researchers of Africa and indicate what the role of each of them in the study of the mainland.
You already know the researchers of Africa. You can learn more about their biographies and research results, using additional literature.
3. Why are plains prevailing in Africa?
Having studied the tectonic and physical maps of Africa, you can name the reason for the predominance of plains in Africa over mountain systems, which are located mainly in the far north, south and east of the mainland. The flat terrain is characteristic for the stable sections of the ancient platforms, and the mountainous one is located along the boundaries of the platforms and in the regions where the earth’s crust is still actively forming.
4. Why is latitudinal zonation observed in Africa? What is it manifested in?
A detailed description of the nature of Africa, its climate and natural areas will help you to correctly answer this question. It is the peculiarities of the geographical position of Africa that make it possible to most clearly trace the zoning in the alternation of the main and transitional climatic zones and natural zones.
The amount of solar heat and light is distributed between two parts of the continent, located in the Northern and Southern hemisphere, almost in equal parts. There is a duplication of subequatorial, tropical and subtropical belts in North and South Africa.
5. On the basis of the map analysis, indicate the relationship between the climatic regions and the natural zones. The change of climatic zones predetermines the change of natural zones in the territory of the continent. To confirm the relationship that exists between the climate belt and the natural zone, try to fill in Table 4, which indicate which natural zones correspond to the equatorial, subequatorial, tropical and subtropical climatic zones of Africa.
6. On the map of Africa, find reserves and national parks, indicate in which natural areas they are located and what are called the largest of them.
In Africa, where many amazing animals have survived, reserves and national parks have been established to protect them.
To the east of Lake Victoria, in the north of Tanzania, is the Serengeti National Park, formed in 1951. The combination of plain and mountain landscapes has contributed to the preservation of good living conditions for a variety of animals: antelopes, gazelles, buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, leopards, lions, The national park covers an area of more than 14,000 km2.
One of the unique national parks of Africa is Ngorongoro, also located in the north of Tanzania in the crater of a huge ancient volcano. The diameter of the crater reaches 14.5 km. The walls of the crater rises above its base by almost 600 m. It is inhabited by a variety of African animals. Since 1956, Ngorongoro has been closed to tourists, an increasing number of which threatened the ecological balance of the park. The area of this unique national park is almost 84,000 km2.
7. What do you think should be done in Africa to reduce the natural disasters caused by drought? The nature of Africa is threatened by drought. Mankind is not able to change the climate, but it can hinder drought by preserving and expanding forests, streamlining economic activity, irrigation of arid areas, etc.
8. What changes have taken place in the nature of Africa in connection with human economic activity?
The area of equatorial forests, which are called the “lungs” of our planet, has sharply decreased, and the area of barren deserts has increased. The main reason for such changes is connected with the erroneous, irrational economic activity of a person, which gradually changes the quality of its surrounding nature, making natural conditions unacceptable for the normal life of human society. A man cuts down forests, pollutes rivers and lakes, destroys unique natural landscapes. Only a rational, masterful attitude towards nature will help preserve its beauty and diversity for subsequent generations of people. The task of each person is to strive to protect nature, to fight against the destruction of forest plantations, pollution of rivers and lakes, air and soil.