1. On which components of nature are the most clearly reflected features of the geographical location of North America?
The peculiarities of the geographical location of North America most clearly reflect on such natural components as soils, vegetation and fauna.
Compare the nature of the Canadian Arctic archipelago and the central regions of Mexico, and you will see what differences between these components of nature are observed within one continent, but in areas with completely different natural conditions differing in their geographic location.
2. Name the names of the seafarers and travelers listed in the text; supplement them with information obtained from other sources of knowledge.
The discovery of North America is associated with the names of the English, Norwegians and Russians. Russian researchers have made a great contribution to the development of the north-west of the continent. One of the US states – Alaska – belonged to the Russian Empire. Many cities on the west coast of North America are associated with Russian seafarers. The greatest contribution to the development of the western coast was made by the Russian merchant G. I. Shelikhov, who founded the company for trade with the local population.