Coming my future profession military

For a long time the earth, covered with explosions, has grown over trembling birch groves, and the echoes of war are depicted in lines of military songs. Fathers and grandfathers, brothers and sisters who

Composition on the topic The man that I like

The teacher walks by, approaches the blackboard and announces the theme of the essay: “The man I like.” In the class runs a low hum. All decide who they will write about. I think,

How beautiful this world is composition

As soon as I learned the topic of my future work, the spirit of contradiction was immediately awakened in me. How much in the world is everything cruel, disgusting, unfair! How can you call

Ancient Literature of China

The history of writing in China is unique. The oldest Chinese texts, fortune-telling inscriptions scrawled on a sheep’s shoulder blade or a tortoise shell, refer to the III-II millennium BC. e. such a shell

Composition on the theme of the soul

Every person has a soul. which can be compared with a flickering twinkle that burns inside a street lamp. The human body can be compared to a vessel that is filled with the soul.

Man and nature in contemporary literature

We call the land mother, mother, nurse, sing her hymns and praise. It’s only in words. In fact, we act with it immorally and cruelly, we have long forgotten that it is alive. Like

Composition on the topic of conflict

In every family there are problems, because there is no ideal relationship. Conflicts usually arise between parents and their teenage children. Wise parents try to solve similar problems without insulting or putting pressure on

The writing of nature in summer

Summer is my favorite season of the year. Not because the longest holidays start, but because it’s warm. In the summer there are so many opportunities to relax somewhere or take a walk. In

An interesting story from a life work

This story happened to me back in elementary school. I often went home with my classmates, because I lived very close to school. And this day was no exception. I was walking with a

Life is boring without a moral purpose

Roman Goncharov “Oblomov” is a notable in Russian and world literature milestone on the way to solving the problems of humanity’s social and moral content. Already on the first page of the novel, the
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