Allah and Muhammad

There was a man who was not afraid of the Meccan merchant class. It was Mohammed. He was born in Mecca around 570. Early orphaned. At the age of 25, I married a rich

Completion of the Hundred Years War and the reunification of France

The death of Joan of Arc, as the British had hoped, did not change the course of the war. The French troops continued to advance successfully. The Burgundian Duke, realizing the hopelessness of the

Society of North-Eastern Russia

The population of North-Eastern Russia consisted of peasants, large, medium and small landowners, clergy, and townspeople. The Russian peasantry suffered a worse fate than the West European. If in the countries of Western Europe

The authorities and statehood of the Germans

The highest authority of the Germans was popular assemblies. All adult men participated in them, except for those who showed themselves to be cowards in battle. People’s congresses elected a council of elders, who

Scholasticism. Pierre Abelard, Thomas Aquinas

The word “scholasticism” comes from the Greek. “scientist” and means direction in philosophy. At first the scholastics called people involved in the school: those who study, or those who teach. In the time of

The Mongol invasion of Russia. The Golden Horde yoke

The fragmentation and princely internecine strife undermined the power of Russia. This situation in the XIII century. took advantage of the Mongol conquerors. The Mongols lived in the steppes of Central Asia. They were

Composition and movement of the population. Diseases, wars, famines, epidemics and their consequences

At dawn of the Middle Ages, the territory of Europe was inhabited by different tribes and nationalities. Among them, the formation of a future Europe was mostly influenced by the Celts. Romanesque nationalities, Thracians,

What is chronology

1. How do historians determine the time of an event and what is chronology? Exploring the past, historian scholars answer time and again: When did this or that event occur? Determine the exact time

The first universities in Ukraine

1. What role in the 19th century? played Kharkov University in the development of Ukrainian culture? In the early 19th century. in the part of Ukraine that was part of the Russian Empire, there

Migration, epidemics, war and famine in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages Europe was inhabited by Greeks, Romance peoples, Celts, Thracians, Germans, Balts, Slavs, Finno-Ugrians, and Asian and African minorities. In the V-XI centuries. the tribes and peoples of Europe have already
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