Bullfinch on mountain ash

Winter this year lay early. For several days it was snowing. The janitors, caught off-guard by the snow, did not have time to pick up the fallen leaves. No, no, and you’ll see a

Composition on the theme “Human memory”

The problem raised in the text is undoubtedly very interesting. The author solves it on the example of an old man who came to see his native places, where he lived for a long

Composition on the theme of my city

Since childhood, I live in a small city, if you want, you can bypass it in a couple of hours, despite its size, it is spacious and clean. Let there are few beautiful streets

The city in which I would like to live

Once, my parents and I walked around the city. After a long heat came a slight coolness. We went to the central city park. But what was our surprise when we saw that the

Ordinary guy

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, the truth of life and a beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires.

Inappropriately a direct speech

Indirectly direct speech is “a fragment of a narrative text that transmits words, thoughts, feelings, perceptions, or only the semantic position of one of the depicted characters, and the narrator’s text is not marked

Composition on the theme of Russian language

The Russian language remained and is now the language of poets and prose writers, the language of culture and the means of transferring the national heritage of a huge cultural heritage from generation to

What was my great-grandmother?

My great-grandmother is no longer alive, but I remember her slightly faded blue eyes, knotted, worn out hands, and hunched back from work and grief. She was born in 1908, and her entire life

“Am I a Happy Man”

Happiness for each person is felt and presented in its own way. For someone, happiness is a lot of money, for someone happiness is the health of loved ones, for others happiness is simply

The composition on the theme “Summer Day”

The morning came clear, fresh and very sunny. The first, not yet very hot rays broke through the branches of the trees and illuminated everything around. Began to sing birds. Here the titmouses were
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