Everyone needs communication and is surrounded by friends. Now, unfortunately, there are not so many true and loyal friends. Often these are not friends at all, but just friends who do not always find themselves in difficult moments. In life, events can occur when a loyal friend will help like no other. You can tell him all your secret dreams and are not afraid that he will laugh at them.
What is loyalty? Everyone has his own wording. But the meaning of it is always the same: devotion is a feeling when you simply do not have the moral right to turn away from the person who is considered your friend. Often some people think that you can neglect it, but everyone wants to call themselves a true friend. If you call yourself devoted to your friend, you need to clearly understand that this is a very big responsibility to the person. Relations between friends should be clean and disinterested, otherwise it can not be called friendship. There is a good expression: “A friend is known in trouble”. This is very true, because it is in such situations that it is possible to understand whether a person should be considered as his faithful companion. A real faithful friend will always be ready to help. And he will do it completely unselfishly. There are times when good and faithful friends, from whom you do not expect a dirty trick, betray you. This situation can not leave you indifferent, because it really hurts.
Anything can happen in life, everyone can stumble, it can happen with a friend. Do not judge too severely. Even if a friend is in some way wrong or has done the wrong thing, maybe you should not immediately break off relations with him. Perhaps, it is worthwhile to understand and forgive, because this is loyalty in friendship.
Writing what loyalty is