Writing what is a house

The attitude of man to the environment is already the person himself, his character, his philosophy, his soul, his attitude towards other people. SP Zalygin

The concept of “home” is multifaceted. For each person, it has its own meaning, evokes its associations. For most people this place is related to childhood, with relatives, mother. Thoughts about the house evoke pleasant, touching memories: this is the beginning of the life path; it is the aroma of freshly baked pancakes, the wool of a wool on an old sofa, children’s drawings on the walls; mother’s voice, warmth…

Much of our life is determined by home and family: from childhood we absorb the atmosphere of the home, family traditions. It is in the family, in our home, that moral values ​​are inculcated in us, and a special vision of the world is formed. Over time, the concept expands, native are the street, the edge, the country, the planet.

More than six billion people live on our planet. How many of them consider her a real home? Many think that for this you need to visit different countries, feel equally good anywhere in the world. However, it is not.

The Earth is our common home. Every conscious person understands that everything in the world is interconnected. For centuries we have been using the gifts of nature, we perceive it as a storehouse, from which we can draw to infinity. Such an attitude towards nature inevitably leads to the threat of an ecological catastrophe and the cause of everything is human activity. A striking example is the Chernobyl disaster, the Fukushima nuclear power plant, the explosion of the oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. These tragedies have claimed the lives of many people and continue to poison life. The consequences for many years will serve as a terrible reproach to the whole of mankind.

In the literature, the problem of ecology is not new. Writers of different generations touch upon in their works the theme of the relationship between man and nature, respect for nature.

Back in the 70s, Chingiz Aitmatov raised the issue of the hopelessness of the path, in which a person ruins nature. She will certainly take revenge on degeneration and lack of spirituality. This subject is considered by the author in such works as “After a Tale”, “Burannyi Polustanoq”, “Plaka”. Strong impression left after the novel “Scaffold”. This novel is a call to come to your senses. It is interesting that the writer considers the problem of ecology inextricably with the problems of the decomposition of the human personality.

The novel begins with a description of the life of the wolf family, which lives on its territory, until a person appears. He senselessly and rudely destroys everything in his path. It becomes uncomfortable when you read about the barbaric raid on saigas. In this massacre, the cubs of Akbar perish. The wolves did not end on this misfortune: five more wolves die in a fire, which was specially arranged by people to make it easier to extract expensive raw materials: “For the sake of this, it is possible to gut the globe like a pumpkin.” The author understands the reason for such cruelty – greed, a struggle for his own well-being.

And people do not suspect that nature will take revenge for all and much earlier than they think. In nature, unlike people, there is only one unjust action: she, avenging people for ruin, does not understand whether you are guilty or not. The wolf, left alone through the fault of a man, reaches out to the people. Her uninfected motherly tenderness, she wants to transfer to a human cub. It turns into a tragedy, but this time for people. Akbar is not to blame for the death of the boy. This man in his fierce outburst of fear for the incomprehensible behavior of the she-wolf shoots at her, but misses and kills his own son. Man paid for his cruelty.

In the novel by B. Vasiliev “Do not shoot white swans” also sounds about the responsibility of man for nature. The main character of the novel is concerned about the behavior of visiting tourists. He sees a lake that is empty of poaching, an anthill poured by gasoline and set on fire by tourists for fun, the white swans that once adorned the lake, and now boiled in a cauldron.

I want to end with the words of the Russian writer Y. Bondarev: “Sometimes self-righteous mankind seems to have subordinated, subjugated, curbed nature, like nature’s commander.” Man forgets that victory is deceptive in a long war, and wise nature is too patient. put everything comes to an end. Nature is threateningly raising the punishing sword. “

We are killing our house. A living, evolving and changing house, in which everything was originally for man. And this house sooner or later will cease to be, if we do not learn to cherish it.



