A well-known historian writing weather, # 769; th, more or less detailed story about the events. The story of the events of each year in the annals usually began with the words: in the summer from here the name of the chronicle. In Byzantium they were called chronicles; in Western Europe in the Middle Ages annals and chronicles.
Chronicle more or less detailed story about the events. Russian chronicles are the main written source on the history of Russia before the time of Peter. The beginning of the Russian chronicle dates back to the 11th century, when historical records began to be made in Kiev, although the chronicle period begins in them from the 9th century. The Russian annals usually began with the words Вт лто + дата. which means today in the year + date. The number of preserved annals is estimated at about 50001 by conditional estimates.
Most of the annals in the form of originals have not survived, and their copies and partial reprocessing of the so-called lists created in the 14th-8th centuries were preserved. Under the list is meant rewriting (copying) from another source. These lists at the place of compilation or at the place of the events depicted are exclusively or predominantly divided into categories (the original Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, etc.). The lists of the same category differ not only in terms of expressions, but even in the selection of news, as a result of which the lists are divided into summaries (editions). So, you can say: The chronicle of the original southern outcrop (list Ipatievsky and with it similar), Chronicle of the original Suzdal expulsion (list of Lavrentievsky and with it similar). Such differences in the lists suggest that the annals are collections, and that their original sources did not reach us. This thought, first expressed by PM Stroev, now forms a general opinion. The existence in a separate form of many detailed chronicle tales, as well as the possibility to point out that the same story clearly identifies the cross-links from different sources (bias is mainly manifested in sympathy for one or the other of the opposing sides), even more confirm this opinion
This is the person who writes the annals)
The Chronicler is the person who chronicles. Simply put, the history of the state. In Russia there was such a Nestor the Chronicler.
Weather (over the years) record of historical events: military campaigns, raids of steppe nomads, natural kotoklizmy (crop failures, droughts). Everywhere is written.
Nestor – for example
Chronicle Annals
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This term has other meanings, see Chronicles.
The Laurentian Chronicle The
chronicle (or chronicler) of the weather, a more or less detailed story about events. The story of the events of each year in the annals usually began with the words: in the summer from here the name of the chronicle. In Byzantium they were called chronicles; in Western Europe in the Middle Ages annals and chronicles.
Chronicles were preserved in a large number of so-called lists of the 14th and 16th centuries. Under the list is meant rewriting (writing off) from another source. These lists at the place of compilation or at the place of the events depicted are exclusively or predominantly divided into categories (the original Kiev, Novgorod, Pskov, etc.). The lists of the same category differ not only in terms of expressions, but even in the selection of news, as a result of which the lists are divided into editorial offices (outlets). So, you can say: The chronicle of the original southern outbreak (list Ipatievsky and with it similar). Chronicle of the original Suzdal issue (the list of Lavrentyevsky and with it similar). Such differences in the lists suggest that the annals are collections and that their original sources did not reach us. This idea, first expressed by PM Stroev, now forms a common opinion. The existence in a separate form of many detailed chronicle tales, as well as the possibility to point out that the same story clearly identifies cross-links from different sources (bias is mainly manifested in sympathy for one or the other of the opposing sides), yet more confirm this opinion.
The Russian chronicles were preserved in many lists; the most ancient monk of Laurence (the Laurentian Chronicle). judging by the postscript of 1377, and Ipatievsky XIV century (from the Kostroma Ipatievsky monastery, where it was kept). but at the heart of their more ancient collection of the beginning of the XII century. This code, known as the Tale of Bygone Years, is the first chronicle in Kiev. Chronicles were conducted in many cities. Novgorod (harateyny synodal list of the XIV century, St. Sophia) differed in the conciseness of the syllable. The Pskovs are lively drawing societies. life, South Russian literary, sometimes poetic. Chronicles were also compiled in the Moscow epoch of Russian history (Voskresenskaya and Nikonovskaya Letopis). The so-called royal book concerns the reign of Ivan the Terrible. Then the Chronicles are given an official character and are gradually turned into a number of digit books,
There were also Lithuanian (Byelorussian) annals, chronicles of the Moldavian principality. The Cossack chronicles concern, mainly, the epoch of Bogdan Khmelnitsky. Chronicle was also conducted in Siberia (Buryat chronicles, Siberian chronicles). Bashkortostan (Shazhere).