The concept of tolerance comes from the word patience. To be tolerant is to treat with respect other people’s opinions, statements and views, to take various forms of self-expression and manifestations of personal individuality. This kind of tolerance is not only the moral duty of every free person, but also a legal need. Tolerant attitudes are proof of the existence of democratic principles in society.
Examples of tolerance can be found in the Bible, because tolerance in Christianity is considered one of the main virtues. To be tolerant only very aesthetically developed and cultured people, especially artists and artists, public figures.
A high level of tolerance can be evidenced by such statements as “it is pleasant to communicate with this person,” “representatives of this nation are often fine people.” Such statements as “I hate this person”, “I am annoyed by his presence”, “I would not live in the same room as a Jew”, etc., can testify to the lack of tolerance.
The problem of tolerance is that uninformed people are accustomed to consider it for pretense, concessions or indulgence, acceptance on faith of the beliefs of others. In fact, this view is groundless, since tolerance is primarily a view of the world through the eyes of a free person.
To lay down the basic principles of a tolerant attitude to the world is necessary from childhood, so the most effective way of developing this quality is upbringing. Such a process of education must begin with the interpretation of common freedoms and rights. To do this, it is necessary that the policy of public education contributes to the improvement of mutual understanding and tolerance in social, cultural and religious aspects, since the process of educating a tolerant personality is inextricably linked with the development of tolerance in the state.
Education in the spirit of tolerant attitude should form in the youth some skills of thinking and criteria for the formation of judgments based on universal moral values. The tolerant personality does not tolerate the violation of the fundamental values of mankind and the basic unspoken human rights. Education is the main lever of influence on intolerance in society.
Factors of behavior of a tolerant person:
Respect for someone else’s opinion; Tolerance to people with other views on life; a negative attitude towards extremism.
Violation of tolerance can be traced in not observing its principles, such as tolerance and respect.
Tolerance levels
1. Situational communicative tolerance. Demonstrated in the relationship of the individual to the people around him – cohabitants, relatives, spouses.
2. Typologically communicative tolerance. It manifests itself in relation to a person to collective types of personalities – a certain group of people, the social stratum, nationality.
3. Professionally communicative tolerance. Is manifested in relation to a person to their clients or employees, representatives of their profession.
The importance of tolerance can not be overestimated, because it is thanks to it that we can treat with respect and understanding the cultural characteristics of other nationalities. It is tolerance that allows us to rationally treat and accept the equal dissenting individuals, not only to have our opinion on something, but also to give the opportunity for other members of society to have their own opinion.