Someone has it. Someone lost her. Someone she does not let live peacefully. Who is she in general, this conscience? Does it need a modern man? The question is not easy. First of all, it is necessary to understand what is conscience.
As a rule, people start thinking about her when she is already torturing a person. The peculiarity of conscience is that it does not have clear external criteria. The concept of conscience is different for each person. It gives a person a reference point in the world of her priorities and actions. Conscience helps to assess their behavior in terms of the moral values of a particular person. The fact that for one is unacceptable, for another – a detail, it is not necessary attention.
In my opinion, conscience is a person’s ability to moral self-control, illuminating all thoughts and actions from the standpoint of “good evil.” If a person makes the wrong move, or a false choice, simply offends a loved one, for example, conscience as an inner bell begins to disturb her, reminding her, and paying attention to what was done incorrectly. Thus, a person has the opportunity to correct his mistake and thereby develop as a person.
But there are such people who do not pay attention to conscience. They continue to do wrong things and eventually stand on the dark side of their path. The voice of their conscience does not disappear, no, but it weakens and becomes completely inaudible. Such people can do a lot of misfortunes in their life and the lives of their loved ones.
Conscience always goes hand in hand with kindness and honesty. Listen to it, it’s your invaluable assistant, who at any moment is ready to help you to make you a strong, honest, spiritually developed person with a good soul.