In the composition there are references to the story of B. Kremnev “Beethoven”.
Option 1
Talent is a gift that can be manifested in various spheres of human activity, most often in art. A talented person is able to create beautiful creations that the whole world admires.
Let’s pay attention to how the author conveys the impressions that the Mozart music and Beethoven’s play caused. In music, he heard “violent single combat,” he felt how “the struggle… crushes the universe,” understood that “the world will be plunged into chaos.”
Only in the performance of a talented musician can a product evoke such feelings.
This is indeed so. I remember that we all went to the concert of the famous pianist Denis Matsuev and I will never forget the emotions that filled me up when I listened to the game of this amazing artist.
I think that without effort and inspiration, talent is inconceivable.
Option 2
Talent is an outstanding ability that develops if a person is hardworking and faithful to his gift. The work of talented artists for many years inspires and impresses people.
In the story of B. Kremnev, the reader has the opportunity to share the experiences that Beethoven’s play engenders. These are strong, exciting emotions. The chords “are like screams of horror,” the accompaniment “stormy and light, like the murmur of spring streams,” music evokes “joy and happiness.”
The talent of the future great composer was uncontrollably torn outward, and Mozart could not fail to see it.
Indeed, the talented play of a pianist, composer, actor is capable not only to awaken tremendous feelings of strength, but also to give an opportunity to understand how much effort, inspiration and labor it has invested.
Option 3
In my understanding, talent is a set of abilities received by a person from nature. The work of talented people is impressive, they make you experience very strong emotions.
For example, Beethoven’s ability to create beautiful music that can impress the listener is described in the story of B. Kremnev. “Terrible chords” during the performance are replaced by “indomitable, like a flame escaping to freedom, a passage.” Beethoven’s play can make the imagination draw strong and vivid images: “light pierced the darkness.”
The author very figuratively and accurately conveyed the impressions that the music of a truly talented person can evoke.
In fact, talent is a unique gift!
Option 4
Talent is a special, rare gift given to a person from above. And if a person has it, then sooner or later it will manifest itself.
In the story of B. Kremneva, Beethoven is shown not by a well-known composer, but by a young pianist who started to listen to the great Mozart. Excitement, confusion and shyness took away all mental strength, so playing the clavier, he knew it, was mechanical. But the theme proposed for improvisation, as if awakened all feelings. Cries of terror and silence, joy and happiness, light and warmth – all this sounded, bubbled, formed in sounding music.
The talent of the future great composer was uncontrollably torn outward, and Mozart could not fail to see it.
An example of a great talent, which could not be realized, can serve as the commander’s gift of A. Suvorov. After going through a difficult path from the rank and file to the generalissimo, he wrote his name into the heroic history of Russia.
In my opinion, the true talent of man, as a spring, will certainly find a way out, and it will always be noticed by others.
Option 5
Talent is an outstanding ability in a particular field. And the person to whom this gift is given will necessarily overcome all obstacles in order to show it to the world.
Young Beethoven, wanting to have Mozart’s mentor, experienced many difficulties: barely got money for a long journey, arrived in a strange city and, coping with shyness and excitement, appeared before a great master.
The experience has made itself felt – Beethoven at first failed to show all that he was capable of. But he did not give up, but asked permission to improvise. And it was improvisation that showed how talented the young man was. The admired Mozart led his friends to show them the future genius.
As we see, diligence and perseverance help to reveal talent.
Option 6
Talent is a person’s natural giftedness, a rare ability for anything. Talented people are always single-minded.
Thus we see Beethoven in the text of B. Kremnev. The young musician set out to become a student of Mozart. He did not give up even when he realized that the game did not impress the famous composer. Beethoven’s improvisation showed how talented he is. Flame, sparks, darkness, light – all this visibly appeared in his game and conquered Mozart.
Talented people, showing examples of purposeful work, adorn the history of mankind.