Inclination is the inflectional category of the verb expressing the relation of action to reality, evaluated from the point of view of the speaker.
In Russian, the system of inclinations includes the following:
1) the real inclination, called indicative;
2) the surreal inclination represented by the imperative and subjunctive moods.
What is an indicative mood?
An incriminating inclination (indicative) indicates an action that has actually occurred, is happening or will occur.
The indicator of the indicative mood is a personal ending, which also expresses time.
Indicative – the only inclination in the Russian language, in which the verb is represented in 3 times. Examples: running, running, running; read, read, read.
What is an imperative mood?
Imperative inclination (imperative) is a verbal inclination that expresses a variety of shades of request, order, and so on.
The system of forms of imperative mood is quite diverse and heterogeneous: the nuclear structure of the forms of imperative mood includes the forms of the 2nd person, because the imperative serves primarily the needs of dialogue.
Verbs in the imperative mood are indifferent to the category of time, because the imperative automatically designates an action that is related to the future plan.
All forms of imperative mood are basically formed from the basis of the present tense with the suffix “and”. Examples: run, read, take, carry.
What is the subjunctive (conditional) inclination
The subjunctive (conditional) inclination (optative) denotes an action either desirable or possible under certain conditions.
From the formal point of view, the form of the subjunctive mood is constructed as follows: the verb in the past tense in all forms of the genus and the numbers and the particle “would (b)”.
Example: I could, I would live.
Thus, the answer to the question, what is the inclination of verbs, is simple enough. When determining the inclination, it is necessary to take into account the meaning and the formation of the verb form.