What does “modern man” mean?

In our city there are many fashionable shops, salons, where you can dress from head to toe and look modern. You can make a stylish hairstyle – and you seem to be in step with the times. But I did not accidentally write “like”. All this is only the external side of the matter. Of course, elegantly dressed, well-groomed person attracts the attention of others. But it is not without reason that they say: they meet by their clothes, they see off in the mind. Competent speech, ability to carry a conversation will immediately give your interlocutor understand that he is dealing not with a pacifier, but with a truly modern, self-aware person. And these qualities are not gained by going to a store or to a hairdresser, alas.

Modern man is a state of mind, a way of thinking. It is achieved through persistent studies, working on oneself. It is clear that the foundation of modern man is laid in school. It is here that he receives the first knowledge and ideas about life.

Some of my peers already know who they would like to be. They study foreign languages, computer, read a lot. And, of course, a lot of time spent in the gym. I think that those who seek to discover something new are modern people.



