What does it mean to be merciful?

A person has many virtues: kindness, generosity, sympathy, the ability to compassion and love, and many others. And they are all based on man’s love for man. And there is still a spiritual quality, like charity. And it is also aimed at proving that the Latin winged expression “Man to man is a wolf” is unfair. But it seems to me that it is charity to exercise the hardest. In order to be merciful, one must have the ability to forgive. You have to be a true humanist. Because initially charity was a manifestation of generosity towards the defeated enemy. And now, in my opinion, charity is a manifestation of generosity towards someone who does not want to show it.

It is easy to sympathize with the old lady in the subway crossing, thrusting several coins into her outstretched palm. It’s easy to seem generous, buying the younger sister not ordinary candies, but chocolate sweets. It’s easy to be kind, helping a young mother carry a wheelchair to the seventh floor. And how hard it is to keep from not “finishing off”, not destroying, not demoralizing a completely defeated enemy. And more: the old lady will wish health in gratitude for alms, the little sister will kiss lips with chocolate-sticky lips, the young mother will warmly thank you for your help. After all, good is often the answer to good. Only the enemy for charity is unlikely to thank. Or maybe he will hate who knows.

It is difficult to help someone with whom you are in bad relations, but who clearly needs your help or your condescension. Sometimes it is unbearably difficult to be merciful. And, of course, this is not for everyone. And it even seems to me – only the chosen one.



