Unique University

We represent you one of the unique universities of the world – the Russian University of Friendship of Peoples, known primarily because it annually trains students from more than one hundred countries in the world.

In recent years, the PFUR has gained fame as an educational and research center, which occupies one of the first places in the rating of Russian universities.

Many scientists of the university are widely known in our country and abroad, they are members of national, European and other international academies, scientific associations and societies.

The centers of scientific and pedagogical activity at the University are 130 departments and 5 independent courses, which, based on 164 laboratories, operate in the most diverse fields of research.

The Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship unites 10 faculties: engineering, physics and mathematics and natural sciences, medical, agricultural, economic, legal, philological, humanitarian and social sciences, ecological, preparatory.

Bachelor’s, master’s, postgraduate, residency, doctoral studies, external studies, the faculty for advanced training and a system of scientific and scientific-pedagogical internships function for the training of specialists. More and more diverse forms of professional development are also offered by the actively developing International Business School, the International Law Institute under PFUR, the Center for Organization of Training and Retraining of Specialists.

The information and computing center, a scientific library numbering one and a half million books in Russian and foreign languages, the Research Institute of Ecology and High Technologies, the Institute of Catalysis and Ecology, which have a university status, participate in the provision of the educational process and scientific research.

The University also operates the Scientific and Information Center for Foreign Education, which serves as the national center of the Russian Federation for academic mobility and recognition, the Center for the Study of Oriental Culture, the Educational and Scientific and Production Association “Center for Pre-University Education”, the Center for Information Support of International Relations of Higher Education, the Center medical computer technologies, the Center for Natural Science Education for Humanists, the Russian Language Center, the UNESCO Informatics Department, the Interuniversity I Department of the musical cultures of the peoples of the world and other scientific organizations.

About all this told us the Rector of the Peoples Friendship University Vladimir Filippov, a man who has inexhaustible erudition and amazing energy, which are so necessary for the leadership of such an unusual educational institution.

In UVK there are two academicians, four doctors of sciences, nine candidates of science. All of them are members of the Union of Artists of the Russian Federation and UNESCO.



