We so often want to seem better than we really are (from whose point of view?), To look in someone’s eyes above, more beautiful, more worthy. And we are so carried away that we lose touch with ourselves.
So we begin to live not our own lives:
– We try to fill it with surrogate, alien values, than we very much limit ourselves and our capabilities;
We move away from our destiny and destiny, which, as a rule, lies in what we are “in the soul” and the pursuit of which – fills our life with meaning, colors, pleasure, success and love.
At some point, we lose and betray ourselves, lose the taste of life and often look for thrill (in abuse with loved ones for example) to feel alive, because they have already turned into living dead.
It is not possible to be in the same relationship for a long time, trying to always pretend to be who we are not (however, we ourselves begin to believe soon that everything is as we have drawn, we are already merging into the image), but early or late the essence comes out, and our partner feels deceived.
Some even begin to assert (and sometimes even to believe) that they do not need constant, close relationships, for the simple reason that they can not recognize that they themselves can not be in them (and I can not and do not want, as we know, different things are just so easy for them to think about themselves) and thus drive themselves into an even more desperate situation.
Relations, whether business, friendship or love, the most durable, productive, reliable are built between those who we really are, at the level of the soul, and the desire to seem better comes from the mind, at the level of the individual. At the level of the individual, relationships can also arise, but usually superficial, not sincere and not durable.
And what’s next? Emptiness, depression, despair, lack of the meaning of life – a vicious circle, because when there is no sense in life, health begins to collapse, why should it be if there is no reason to live.
So where does this come from? – Is the lack of love and recognition in childhood or something else? I think in the depths of our hearts, each of us knows the answer to this question.
If you love yourself, then others will accept you as you are and the world will smile at you. There will be goals and forces for their implementation.
The only way out is to have the courage to face the truth and allow yourself the luxury of being yourself, accepting and loving yourself. We can not change the world, but we can change our attitude and then the world will start to change around us. Love yourself and be yourself faithful!