The thoughtless taming of nature

Modern science believes that the age of our planet Earth is about 5 billion years, the first traces of life of organisms on it arose 3.5-4 billion years ago. On the question of when a person appeared, there are different answers. But most scientists are inclined to believe that this happened about 3 million years ago. During this time, the earthly civilization survived almost 15 thousand wars, in which, according to the most conservative estimates, more than 3.5 billion people died. And if we remember that today the population of the Earth is about 6.5 billion, then we are faced with an almost bleak picture of a suicidal existence.

It seems to me that every person living on the Earth must know and remember these dates and figures. Planet Earth is our common home, unique and unique. And if in the old days, science fiction writers could imagine occupying people of the Moon, Mars and Venus, at the present time, perhaps, no one has any doubts that this is just a fantasy. As a cosmic phenomenon, as one of the subjects of earthly nature, we have arisen on the Earth, and we can live only on it.

Although at present, instead of the word “live”, in my opinion, it would be better to “exist”. Because “to exist”, according to the dictionary of Ozhegov, means “to be available, to support one’s life.” But “to live” implies the creation, the re-creation of a new life for the sake of the prosperity of the present and future life.

And this concerns not only and not so much man, as all forms and manifestations of life on the planet Earth. Outstanding Russian scientist V. Vernadsky introduced a special notion for this phenomenon – “living matter”, by which understood “the totality of living organisms.” In the doctrine of the noosphere, he says that “in the thick of the intensity and complexity of modern life, man practically forgets that he and all of humanity are inextricably linked with the biosphere – a certain part of the planet on which they live.”

Man thinks of himself as the king of nature, free living and moving around the planet. But in fact, as V. Vernadsky argues, “no living organism in the free state on Earth is located.” All these organisms are inseparably and continuously connected, primarily with food and breathing, with the material and energy environment surrounding them. they can not exist. “

It turns out that all the inhabitants of the planet Earth – from a nondescript little insect to a human – are connected in a single goal. The connections that exist between us and within us make up life. Violation of the same connections should lead to the reverse process – the process of gradual extinction and death.

I remember how once in the history class the teacher gave us an example, what can the interference of ideology in the issues of ecology turn out. He told us how, once in China, a nationwide campaign to exterminate sparrows was declared to increase yields. The motivation was simple – sparrows do damage by pecking the grain. But in the coming months, after the good, as it seemed then, actions, everything turned out to be the most disastrous consequences: insects, which were destroyed by sparrows, caused much more irreparable damage to the gardens, orchards and crops than the sparrows themselves. And the Chinese had to urgently buy sparrows in the USSR and other countries.

Or another example – from the journal Science and Life. Approximately 70-100 million years ago, the planet Earth was covered with green forests, which are preserved on it until now. Today there is hardly even one person who does not know that forests are “light” planets. Despite this, the most important of them – wet tropical forests – are destroyed at a speed of 20 hectares per minute. Such rates of cutting down in a quarter of a century, the largest – in forty years – can lead to their complete disappearance. What consequences this will turn out for all mankind and the planet Earth, even the most courageous scientist does not undertake to predict.

Man called himself the crown of creation, appropriated the title of king of nature. But is it not better to give up all titles and titles and just live – in harmony with nature and with yourself?



