The Problem of Charity

Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov

Sholokhov’s story “The Science of Hatred” tells how Lieutenant Gerasimov found a girl in a potato top that reminded him of his daughter. The reader comes to the idea that there is no foreign children in the war. Children also did not remain indifferent to the difficulties of the people. They helped the weakened and tired soldiers, took food to the road: bread, potatoes, whatever they could. The potato, picked up by the protagonist and shared with his neighbor, was for him the most delicious of those he had ever eaten.

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky

According to D. Granin, charity should be shown regularly, otherwise it will weaken and atrophy. This problem is especially important today, when mutual support is not encouraged in the society. We really need to take care of those who need support. Charity develops from a young age, following the example of adults. If they are engaged in charity, take care of the needy, then the child will show such qualities. First they appear in the character of the child in a primitive form, but then develop into a steady desire to help those who are in trouble.

It was this kind of education that forced the Russian emigrant Tamara Volkonskaya to save more than one life during the war. If the child grows in an atmosphere of anger and ignorance, then he is indifferent to the grief of others. Such were Boris and Tikhon in the work “The Storm” by AN Ostrovsky. They were raised by the “dark kingdom”, where instead of mercy, heartlessness develops. Their indifference led Catherine to suicide. Today, the world is increasingly becoming a “dark kingdom”, but each of us can slow down this process by showing kindness and mercy.



