The poem Nekrasov “To Whom in Russia to Live Well” was, as it were, a departure from the general thought of many works of that time-the revolution. In addition, in almost all works the main characters were representatives of the upper classes – the nobility, merchants, philistinism. In the poem the main characters are former serf peasants, who became free after the decree of 1861.
And the main idea of the novel was to find happy people in Russia. Seven peasants, the protagonists of the poem, put forward various hypotheses about the happiest man in Russia, and these were, as a rule, rich people who must be happy – merchants, noblemen, landlords, boyars, tsar. But to look for a happy man went to the people. And the people are the very newly liberated peasants. Peasants are the poorest and without a class, and it is more than strange to look among them for a happy one. But there is happiness among the peasants, but at the same time, they have much more misfortunes. The peasants, of course, are happy with their freedom, which they received for the first time in hundreds of years. They are happy for different reasons: some are happy with an unusually large harvest, others with their great physical strength, and others with a successful, non-drinking family. But nevertheless, to call the peasants happy, even a little bit, is difficult. Because with their release they have a lot of their problems. And the happiness of the peasants is usually very local and temporary.
And now in orderE Peasants are released. It is such a happiness that they have not seen for hundreds of years, and perhaps that they have never seen. Happiness itself fell unexpectedly enough, many were not ready for it and, being free, were birds, grown in a cage, and then released to freedom. As a result, the new class – temporarily liable, liberated peasants became poorest. The landlords did not want to spread their land, and almost all peasant land belonged to either the landlords or the community. The peasants did not become free, they only acquired a new kind of addiction to themselves. Of course, this dependence is not the same as serfdom, but it was dependence on the landowner, on the community, on the state. Call it complete freedom or happiness is very difficult. But the Russian people, accustomed to everything, could find happy moments there.
For the Russian peasant, the greatest happiness is vodka. If it’s a lot, then the man becomes very happy. For Russian women, happiness is a good harvest, a cleaned-up house, a fed family. This happened quite rarely, so the women were less happy than the peasants. The peasant children were also not very happy. They were forced to work for an adult, but at the same time there was a child, running after vodka, they constantly received from drunken parents, and grew up themselves, growing up. But there were individuals who considered themselves happy – people who were happy with what an ordinary person might be disgusting or incomprehensible. One rejoiced that he had a “favorite slave” with his landowner. He finished the best overseas wines for him and his suite, finished the best dishes and suffered from a “royal” disease – gout. He was happy in his own way and his happiness is worthy of respect, but the peasants did not like it very much. They rejoiced at least to some harvest that could feed them. And it was really happiness for those peasants who were not at all happy, so they were poor. But seven wanderers were not looking for this. They were looking for the happiness of the true, fullest, and therefore such, in which nothing more is needed.
But you can not find such happiness. It does not even mention the peasants, the higher classes also always have their own problems. The landowners can not be happy in any way, because their time has passed. Serfdom was abolished and the landlords, together with this, lost the enormous influence of their estate, and therefore there was no happiness in Nhi’s life either. But these are landowners, but they were about peasants.