The Painting by Serebryakova “Self-portrait with two daughters”

Zinaida Serebryakova is one of the first Russian women painters who have entered themselves in the history of painting. Its creativity, which has not fallen under any influence, is independent enough and original.

The picture “Self-portrait with daughters” is written quickly, easily. The impression that two little daughters, having caught the moment, clung to their mother when she decided to rest, in her work shirt and with tassels in her hands. Faces, hair – are written out not so carefully, but smoothly, voluminously, academically, as in the sketches of old masters, and in clothing and the background, incompetence and negligence are visible, which gives the picture more modernity.

The girls look like seven or eight years old, they are dressed in “vests”, which in those years were often found on children. Mother about 35 years, but her face seems so young – so young – like the girls, pressed to her. The face is oblong, straight long nose, beautiful neck, and in features and glance is simplicity, nobility and modesty. The view is open. kind and pure, deep. A self-portrait is a personal work of the artist in which he can most clearly and clearly show his spiritual inner world and express himself in ways that we probably do not know.

The children who embraced her say that without them she does not represent her life. they are an important part of herself. This expresses her feminine nature, its essence. In fact, so it is – Serebryakova, after the death of her beloved husband saw no joy in anything but her children – their existence encouraged her, gave strength, life. This can be said by the way she often depicted her children in numerous canvases.

Children – this is one of the main themes of her paintings. Serebryakova, by the way, was the granddaughter of Benois himself. Thanks to her connections she was offered even the place of professor of the Academy of Arts, she, modestly, refused.



