The influence of man on nature in Eurasia

Man by his economic activities greatly changed the nature of Eurasia, especially the zones of mixed and broad-leaved forests, forest-steppes and steppes. Here, instead of natural vegetation, agricultural lands appeared, cities were built, villages were built. Many of the wild animals, having lost their habitat, are on the verge of extinction. Plants and animals that require special protection are listed in the International Red Book. Their list increases.

Particularly affected was the nature of Europe, where the most developed countries of the world are located. Clearing forests for arable land and cities, intensive grazing, hunting for wild animals – all this led to the replacement of natural complexes with human-made man-made ones. The abundant forests of Europe are now destroyed by 2/3. Because of this, the animals also suffered. Once, numerous ungulates, predators, birds disappeared. Brown bears, lynx, wolverines, wolves, foxes can now be seen only in nature conservation areas. Quite disappeared lions, large European bulls tours, wild horses tarpanah. On the verge of extinction were bison.

The nature of Eurasia needs to be protected. One of the measures is the creation of reserves and national parks – natural areas, which are completely excluded from economic use. Some parts of the taiga are under protection in the reserves of Russia. The most famous natural national park is Belovezhskaya Pushcha on the territory of Poland and Belarus. Here, the virgin forests and their inhabitants are under protection: bison, deer, roe deer, moose. Plots of untouched steppe are protected in the reserve “Askania-Nova” in the south of Ukraine.



