The Frankish state of the Carolingians. Education

After the death of Pepin of Geristalsky, his sons began a rivalry for power. Defeated by his illegitimate son Karl, the Mayor of 715. He had to face a serious external danger. From the south, the territory of the Frankish Kingdom was invaded by the Arabs and conquered almost the entire Iberian Peninsula. In 732, at the Battle of Poitiers, Carl’s troops defeated the Arabs and prevented their further advance into the depths of Europe. In honor of this victory, Carl received the nickname Martell.

However, the threat from the south did not pass, and this forced Karl Martell to strengthen the army and create, instead of the foot-soldiers, detachments of well-armed equestrian warriors. But only a wealthy man could have a fighting horse and weapons. The award to the soldiers was, as a rule, landed, money was paid infrequently. The land was passed along with the peasants who worked on it. This form of land ownership was called the Benefit.

At first, the benefice was given for life as a reward for service. Over time, he became hereditary possession and was called Theod. Its owner was called Theodore. Granting a benefice or feud was considered a Seigneur, received – by Vassal the seignior. Vassal pledged to faithfully serve his lord, for which he had to support him, and if necessary – and to defend. All this contributed to the emergence of a relationship of loyalty and patronage between the vassal and the lord. The creation of cavalry by Carl Martell served as the impetus for the formation of a special social class – Chivalry.

Having consolidated his position in all areas of the Frankish state, the major-domo was forced to announce his claims to the royal throne sooner or later. That’s exactly what the son of Karl Martell Pepin II, Short, did. Such a nickname he received for his small growth. To lawfully take over the throne, Pipin sent two envoys to Rome with instructions to find out from Pope Zechariah I: is it fair that a ruler without power continues to bear the royal title. Pan at that time led a cruel 6op6y with the Langobard kings and needed a strong ally. As the chronicler notes, Zachary I ordered to convey that “it is better to call the king of the one who has power than the one who lives without having it.” And in order not to disturb the order, he ordered Pipin to be king.

In 751, Pepin gathered in Soissons the Frankish nobility, who proclaimed him king. The last representative of the Merovingian dynasty, the “lazy king” Hilderik III and his son were tonsured into monks. To thank the pope for his support, Pepin carried out two campaigns to Italy, defeated the king of the Lombards of Aystulphus, gave the pope conquered lands. In 756 on these lands the secular Papal state with the center in Rome was founded. It existed for more than a thousand years until the unification of Italy in 1870. Today, this state in the state, the world-famous Vatican, located only a few Roman quarters.

The Frankish state of the Carolingians. Education