The Enchantress Winter

Landscape poetry in the work of Fyodor Tyutchev has a special place. Being one of the founders of Russian Romanticism, the poet paid great attention to descriptions of nature, without ceasing to admire her perfection. Surprising in its beauty and elegance, landscape sketches can be found in Tyutchev’s verses of different periods. And in his youth, and in old age, the poet paid tribute to the grandeur and elegance of Russian nature, rightly believing that it was the source of his inspiration.

The most striking and memorable works of landscape poetry Fedor Tyutchev is the poem “The Enchantress of Winter.”, Written in 1854. From the first lines, the author identifies his favorite season with a charming woman, who can change the world around her without recognition, giving it special luxury. The object of poetry studies Tyutchev in this case is the winter forest, which “under the snow fringe” appears quite in a different, unusual form and shines with “a wonderful life.”

The poet, through imaginative and very precise metaphors, managed to convey the peaceful state of winter nature, which is immersed in a magical dream. The forest is “bewitched, not dead and not alive,” and in this phrase the author’s genuine astonishment is heard, which never ceases to amaze at how ordinary snow can change the surrounding world, turning it into a sleepy kingdom, where the trees froze until the spring, chain down. ” Such a metaphor is very refined, although contradictory. After all, the chain can not be woven from the fluff.

However, Feodor Tyutchev believes that the definition of a soft snow captivity, in which were spruce and birch, is most appropriate. Indeed, thanks to this one phrase, imagination lively draws a snow-covered grove, silent and filled with serene tranquility. It seems that the author really got into the fairy-tale kingdom, where the sorceress Winter rules. Here, life flows according to its own laws, which it is very difficult for ordinary people to understand. They can only be accepted as inevitably as a fait accompli, and give due to the magnificent winter landscape, which generates in the soul the joy and sense of perfection of the surrounding world.

Wanting to strengthen the effect of the reconstructed picture, Tyutchev notes that there is no such force that could destroy the charm of the winter landscape. “Nothing will fizzle in it,” the author notes, pointing out that it is only in the power of nature itself to change everything. Time passes, the snow melts, and the trees, freed from the winter shackles, try on new clothes. In the meantime, the sunbeam is not able to wake the silent forest dwellers. In his power only to fill the landscape with a dazzling brilliance that will turn every snowflake into a precious diamond. “It will all flash and sparkle with dazzling beauty,” the poet notes, emphasizing how nature is surprisingly changing. Just a moment ago the forest seemed lifeless, frozen and unfriendly.

However, thanks to the sun, slipping as if inadvertently along the snow-covered branches, it turned into a magnificent palace, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. And this amazing metamorphosis so amazed the author that he is in the poem “The Enchantress of Winter.” tried to convey as accurately as possible his feelings and show that the world is infinitely beautiful, and there is always room for a miracle in it. After all, as in a few minutes, nature can transform the usual forest edge, no living creature can. Therefore Tyutchev personifies it with something divine and unattainable, sublime and romantic.



