While America and Australia were already open, the first round-the-world trip was carried out, the vast territories of Northern and Eastern Azines remained unknown to Europeans. In the XVI-XVII centuries. in the Russian state there were people who organized and took part in hikes through the Ural Mountains. They were called explorers. In less than 60 years, they crossed the previously unknown expanses of Asia up to the Pacific coast. On the road, people were awaited by severe trials: hunger, cold tundra and bloodsucking taiga insects, lack of warm clothes and unfriendly attitude of the local population. The courage and perseverance of these people gave them the opportunity to make great geographical discoveries. No one before them knew about the true size of Siberia, about the existence of Chukotka and Kamchatka, was not sure whether the sea shared Asia and America. They studied in detail and compiled the “blueprints” of the newly developed lands. Thanks to their campaigns, in particular, it became known about the longest river in Russia – Lena, the currents of the Ob, the Yenisei, the Amur and the area around Lake Baikal were studied, the coastline of Asia in the north was traversed. For European science, their data for more than a century served as the only source of information on the northern part of Asia. In honor of the Russian explorers, many geographical objects of islands and peninsulas, bays, capes, rivers, lakes are named. For European science, their data for more than a century served as the only source of information on the northern part of Asia. In honor of the Russian explorers, many geographical objects of islands and peninsulas, bays, capes, rivers, lakes are named. For European science, their data for more than a century served as the only source of information on the northern part of Asia. In honor of the Russian explorers, many geographical objects of islands and peninsulas, bays, capes, rivers, lakes are named.
Of great importance in the history of the study of Asia were the Kamchatka and the Great Northern Expeditions organized by Russia, which opened the Bering Strait and explored the northern part of Asia. During the expeditions detailed descriptions of soils, relief, rivers and lakes were compiled, huge geological, botanical and zoological collections were collected, maps of territories were compiled, and so on.
The development of Siberia and the Far East