II Levitan is a talented representative of Russian landscape painting. His rich and receptive soul helped him to feel the change in the state of nature subtly, to convey in her paintings her various moods.
In the painting “March” the artist depicts the very beginning of spring. Everywhere else there is snow, birds have not returned from distant lands, but the warm spring sun is already stroking its rays and the earth, and trees, and a village horse harnessed to a sleigh. The air is transparent. It seems that no whiff of the breeze touches the white birch trees, stretching their thin branches to the clear, spring-like high sky. Nature froze, listening to the spring. The horse waits, waiting for the owner, without stirring, substituting the gentle sun of the side and back.
The golden light floods the wall and porch of a two-story wooden house. The door is opened, and spring silently enters the house inaudible steps, carrying freshness and joy.
The ringing, high turquoise sky reflects on the snow-covered snow with blue reflections. The dark, distinct shades of trees only emphasize the tenderness of the colors of the spring day.
High-high on the birch – a birdhouse. Who managed to get there to hang this house for birds, as if looking upwards and looking out for his feathered tenants? Probably, the birch was still very small, when the village children nailed the birdhouse to its top, and now it has grown so that the sky is stroking its branches.
Everything around is ready for awakening from winter sleep. Very soon the streams will start to quiver and the returning birds will mumble. Spring comes into its own in its own right. But where are the people? In the picture we do not see a person, but we constantly feel his presence. By the way the door is slightly opened, along the beaten path to the porch, on the silent expectation of the horse, we feel: the person is somewhere near. He is part of the awakening nature, and his thoughts, hopes are also related to the spring.
Skillfully immersed in the contemplation of the inner life of nature, I. Levitan allows us to touch her enchanting beauty, to see in the deserted landscape a human presence, to hear in the silence of the spring day the song of the awakening of nature.