1. Highlight the main industrial and agricultural areas of the country on the map. Compare their location with the location of the main strip of settlement.
The main industrial and agricultural areas on the whole coincide with the main distribution zone of the country’s population.
2. Expand the content of the concept of “territorial division of labor,” highlight its components.
The territorial division of labor is a key concept of economic geography; it explains the process of district formation, the nature of the inter-regional relations of production and territorial relations.
The territorial division of labor is the spatial differentiation of labor activity, manifested in the consolidation of individual industries in certain regions of the national market, in the specialization of the districts in the production of one product.
The territorial division of labor is determined by the economic, social, natural, national and historical peculiarities of various parts of the country and their economic and geographical location.
Part of the territorial division of labor is the specialization and exchange of goods.
3. What, in your opinion, is the specialization for the territory more profitable – narrow or broad? Why?
There is a general rule of the theory of systems: the more diverse the system, the more stable it is. Consequently, the wider the specialization of the territory, the more stable and more advantageous its position.
4. Explain the significance of the geographical division of labor: a) for individual territories; b) for the country as a whole.
To separate territories, the geographical division of labor makes it possible to acquire and use resources that are not available in the given territory.
For the country as a whole, the division of labor makes it possible to function more efficiently.
5. What is the economic specialization of your region? What conditions did it determine? Is it promising in modern conditions? Is it possible to deepen it? Imagine your project of your region’s participation in the regional geographical division of labor.
Remember, what products are produced in your region, what exactly are they supplied to other regions of the country. How can you explain the specialization of your area in the production of this particular product? Consider how the country’s transition to a market economy influenced the specialization of the economy.
When developing a project for the participation of your province in the regional division of labor, it is necessary to take into account such factors as the availability of natural resources, the level of qualification of labor resources, the competitiveness of new products in the modern market.
6. Explain in your own words the meanings of the following concepts: economy; branch of economy; structure of the economy; regionalization; zonal specialization of agriculture; agro-industrial complex; timber industry complex; fuel and energy complex; Unified energy system; specialization and cooperation; information infrastructure; recreational facilities; service sector; territorial division of labor.
The economy unites all spheres of production and consumption of various goods, goods and services.
The structure of the economy is the aggregate of all sectors and sectors that closely interact with each other.
Zoning is the process of dividing the territory into parts.
Zonal specialization of agriculture – cultivation within the natural zones of certain species of cultivated plants and animals, most adapted to these agroclimatic conditions.
The agro-industrial complex is the interrelated branches of the economy that participate in the production, processing and storage of agricultural products, as well as supplying agriculture with means of production.
Timber industry complex – territorially closely located and production interconnected enterprises of all three stages of wood processing: billets, mechanical and chemical processing.
Fuel and energy complex – a set of enterprises that produce, process and deliver fuel to consumers.
Unified energy system – combined electric power lines of power plants of different types.
Specialization – the form of organization of production, associated with the concentration of production of certain types of products in certain enterprises.
Co-operation is a form of production links between specialized enterprises that jointly produce certain products.
Information infrastructure is a set of systems and services that ensure the functioning of the branches of material production and the conditions for the vital activity of society with the necessary information.
Recreational economy is a branch of the economy that provides recreation for the population, restoring the forces expended in the labor process.
The service sector is a set of branches of the economy that do not produce material goods, but provide the population with services necessary for life.
The territorial division of labor is the specialization of districts in the production of certain products.
7. You know that the primary, secondary, tertiary sectors of the economy are allocated in the economy of the country. Think about what other factors, other than the degree of dependence on nature, underlie such a separation.
In addition to the dependence on nature, information saturation, the role of science and the human factor, changes from the first to the fourth sector.
8. Why in the modern period does the priority development in the economy receive the sphere of services, science, finance, management?
The most important thing in the development of the economy is the invention of a new one and the implementation of this invention in life. In addition, in a society that has achieved material prosperity, more attention is paid to the person, his physical and moral comfort, therefore, in the modern period, science, finance and the service sector have become priority.
9. What production or individual enterprises in your city, region are the only ones of its kind? What is the history of their occurrence, economic relationships?
Even if there are a lot of enterprises in your region, you can easily distinguish from their number unique. The history of their occurrence can be learned from the materials of local press or stories of adults.
Think about what allowed these businesses to become unique.