Summary “Caucasus” Bunin

Love is the brightest, highest feeling that a person is capable of. But the first phrase that the hero says about himself – he “thievishly” came to Moscow – is alarming: a truly loving person can not do this.

Willy-nilly, you doubt the purity of this relationship. It turns out that his mistress is married: that means – deceit, lie, betrayal. But, of course, the heroes do not want to admit that they are engaged in an unseemly affair, the wife tries to blame her husband for his misdemeanor, which, allegedly, has a cruel and selfish character.

They planned a trip to the sea – and that’s all. If the hero really loved this woman, he would have found the courage to explain himself to her husband, but he apparently knows that this is a hobby and it will not last too long.

Agreeing on the trip, the hero prudently warns his lady of heart that he will first come to the station and take cover in his compartment, so, God forbid, not to collide with the mistress’s husband. The husband turned out to be handsome, attentive and caring – he not only placed the departing wife in the compartment, but also made sure that she was really well and comfortably arranged.

His wife’s fears were true: her husband really suspected that they were changing him. And these suspicions made him say the words that he would defend his honor – and not only as an officer, but also as a husband.

They defend honor usually in a duel. But who could be summoned to the duel by a deceived husband – a coward hiding in a compartment and taking his mistress to a remote Caucasian village on the beach where they could hardly be found… Even the bright memories of his youth about the days spent alone on the seashore now forever defiled by this adultery.

But they represent happiness – they rest, apart and together, bathe, enjoy the splendor of nature. And this splendor, like a terrible voice of conscience, reminds the traitor of the need to return to Moscow, to the deceived husband.

Fear pursues this pair – each individually and both together, because both know that they are doing a bad thing. And nature seemed to confirm it with thunderstorms, when even the jackals clung to human habitation. On such nights the wife cried happily – that far away that thunderstorm that would burst over her herself.

But the storm did not hit her. Ostensibly, a harsh man, stubbornly rejecting the fact that his wife left him and left with her lover, who was looking for her for all the false addresses that he persisted in, was finally reconciled with the evidence.

He made a decision: as a man, as an officer, as a husband. As a loving person. He saved his wife from the need to be afraid, giving her the full opportunity to live with her loved ones for years to come. In both the temple immediately shot, so as not to stay alive.

All that he offered her, she rejected, he had the last gift – to restore her freedom.

She is unlikely to adequately take advantage of this great gift of true love.



