St. Petersburg – a new “economic hub” of Russia

1. What political, military-strategic and economic tasks did the creation of St. Petersburg solve?

“Window to Europe” enshrined the Russian presence in the Baltic, provided trade links with European countries and protected our north-western borders. At the crossroads of trade routes, the latest production facilities were able to develop rapidly.

2. Think about what factors have determined the superconcentration of the population and the economic life of the Northwest in St. Petersburg.

At first this concentration was created artificially. Constructed by the willful decision of Peter I in the “economic desert”, ie, at a great distance from other economic centers, St. Petersburg was populated and developed first by administrative-command methods. Turned into a major industrial and commercial center, St. Petersburg has become a place of attraction and concentration of economically active people and new industries.

3. In what way do you see the similarity and difference between the two industrial giants – Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Moscow and St. Petersburg are the two largest Russian cities, two political, economic and cultural centers, the concentration of industrial giants, advanced technologies and military productions, two capitals of Russia, two independent subjects of the Federation, cities of federal significance.

At the same time, these cities also have significant differences. Moscow grew in the midst of many economic centers, St. Petersburg – at a great distance from other industrial cities. Moscow all the years focused mainly on its own resources, Petersburg – on imported raw materials and visiting workers.

4. Do you think there is a difference between a city that naturally “ripened”, “grown” in the territory, from the created “from scratch”? Do they affect the surrounding economic space in the same way?

This difference is well manifested when comparing St. Petersburg and Moscow, conducted in the previous answer. In addition, the natural growth of the city is usually spontaneous, the development can be circular in character, but locally there will necessarily be a chaotic, a mixture of architectural styles. A vivid example of this is the center of Moscow, where ancient churches are adjacent to the examples of the architecture of “glass and concrete.”



