The Russian language is the national, interstate language of the great people and our heritage. I am proud that I am a citizen of the Russian Federation, that I was born on our Russian soil. Russian language since my birth filled my life and is of great importance not only in my life, but in the life of each of us. Therefore, we must protect our native language.
From birth, we hear around ourselves a Russian speech. It accompanies us all life. In whatever corner of Russia we go, everywhere we are accompanied by our faithful assistant – the Russian language. At school, at home, at the theater, at the cinema – everywhere we hear Russian speech. But few people think how important the role of our native language plays in our lives. Without him, we could not talk with friends, read an interesting book, write a letter to relatives.
Thus, the Russian language is the language of global communication, is of great importance in our life and on the world stage. Language is a necessary tool for communication. During school changes, it is often possible to hear statements like this: “How tired of this lesson of the Russian language! We teach it from the first class! And why teach it? Everybody knows it already!”. But it is impossible to know the Russian language, although it is dear to us. After all, its possibilities are limitless! Russian can be taught all my life, always learning something new, but never knowing all its secrets. The meaning of the Russian language in my life I would compare with the meaning of the Motherland for me. As I do not think of my life without the Motherland, I can not imagine it without the Russian language. The Russian language is the basis of our entire spiritual culture, our invaluable gift. I owe him a lot. He gave me the opportunity to join the rich, centuries-old culture of peoples inhabiting Russia, to learn everything about the life around us. I am sure that the Russian language will help me find a worthy place in adult life.
I am grateful to the fate that I live in Russia, I study at a Russian school and study Russian and Russian literature, and I speak Russian.
Therefore, I affirm: “The significance of the Russian language in my life is great!”.