
So, we are in the place of an amazing event! Yesterday, Dmitry Dmitriev ran into something extraordinary! It’s something – a flying saucer! It is still unknown what planet it is and what its inhabitants want on Earth! Today we met an eyewitness of the events and want to ask him a few questions. – Good afternoon.

Dmitry, what can you say about this momentous event that happened yesterday? – Hello, you know, I just could not believe it, then the flying saucer has come to us! I saw creatures that came out of this dish. “What they looked like.” – They are like robots terminators. – Why did you decide so? “Look, do you see the trace that this creature left behind?” On the ground the imprint of his foot is clearly visible, but it does not look like our track.

Here you can clearly view individual impressions of metal parts. In addition, I heard the sound of mechanisms. – What size were these creatures? “They were of a non-standard size, about two or three meters!” – Please describe the flying saucer. – It was beautiful, with lots of multicolored lights shining on top and bottom of the plate. Since I did not remember the special signs and can not accurately describe the flying saucer, I still remember how the big door opened and a slight haze floated out from there, but I was amazed that it did not rise above the level of asphalt. And then she surrounded me with my car.

Then these terminators came out. Further, I do not remember anything. – Thank you very much for a brief, but very interesting story about extraterrestrial beings. With you was Cecilia Unusual in the program “Amazing events.”



