“We must think about speech, in words,” Chekhov said. “We must educate ourselves in the taste for a good language, how they bring up the taste for engravings, good music,” persuaded Alexei Maximovich Gorky, a young generation of Soviet writers. “… We will preserve you Russian speech, a great Russian word,” Anna Akhmatova wrote at times that were not easy for Russia. Turgenev called the Russian language “great, powerful, truthful and free.”
Since prehistoric times, people live in society. At all times, it caused the need to be able to tell one person how to communicate his thoughts, desires, feelings. So out of the need for communication, language arose.
From early childhood, we learn the world, at first only out of curiosity, then, and necessarily, to find its place in it. Simultaneously, we master the language, which becomes the world for us. To study an object or phenomenon, you need to call it, and then characterize it with words. Inability to name objects, phenomena, problems is also their ignorance. Being able to express your thoughts correctly is not an easy task, but necessary. Even in ordinary conversation, the speaker should be able to express the thought so that the listener understands it accordingly. If we do not express our thoughts well, then we can not speak and think.
Thus, language is a harmonious system of means of communication. Being dynamic, it turns into speech, and speech is subject to various influences, in particular impoverishment, clogging.
The reasons for the deviations from the purity and correctness of speech are very many: both incomplete mastering of the norms of literary expression, and an insufficiently careful attitude to the linguistic tradition, and inability, and unwillingness to understand the semantic qualities of different words, and the influence of “fashion” of various jargons, and the desire to flaunt the word or phrase, which in modern society and are called somehow strange – “statuses”, and dialect words, and vulgarisms, and speech stamps, and unnecessary unnecessary words.
The source of contamination of the literary language is often unjustified individual word-making, the emergence of “poorly invented words”. Remember the futuristic legacy of V. Khlebnikov: “dreaming”, “zhairi”, “vremeri” … In times of cruel bureaucratization of our whole life, neologisms were often born as a fruit of “clerical eloquence”: a book reader, underdog, coin (letter), illiteracy and t etc. Clogging of the tongue is often associated with the inappropriate use of so-called chancellarisms and speech stamps, which deprive speech of simplicity, liveliness, and emotionality.
Recently, I notice (and for myself too!) That we, the young people, increasingly use foreign words in our speech, we replace many expressions with words from American slang, and so our Russian language becomes more primitive, inexpressive. After all, it’s easier to say: “You look good, you have a fashion suit.” But we excel: “Cool styling! Fashion outfit!”
Belinsky wrote: “Many foreign words have entered the Russian language, because many concepts and ideas have entered Russian life… It is not easy to invent their terms for the expression of other people’s concepts, and in general this work is rarely successful. Therefore, with a new concept that one takes from another, he takes the very word expressing this concept. ” He also noted that “an unsuccessfully invented Russian word for the expression of someone else’s concept is not only better, but also decidedly worse than a foreign word.” On the other hand, Belinsky points out that “using a foreign word when there is a Russian word equivalent to it means insulting both common sense and common sense.”
Fight for the purity, accuracy and correctness of the language can and should be. In my opinion, it is necessary to widely disseminate scientific information about the laws and rules of the Russian language, its stylistic wealth, the ways of forming new words, the enormous role of language as a “tool of culture” as a means of cognition. It is also necessary to educate the aesthetic sense of the language and a deep sense of responsibility for honest and clean treatment of it.
High culture of spoken and written speech, good knowledge and developed sense of the native language, ability to use its expressive means, its stylistic diversity is the best support, the right help and a very important recommendation for every person in his social life and creative activity.
The poet Vladimir Lugovskoy wrote: “Treat your native language carefully and lovingly, think about it, study it, passionately love it, and you will discover a world of boundless pleasures, for the treasures of the Russian language are boundless.”