Practical work on solving problems on the definition of the world time on the basis of the analysis of the time zone map

Purpose: to learn how to solve and correctly formulate tasks for the definition of the world time; repeat the rules for determining the geographical coordinates of settlements on a degree grid. Visual aids: a map of Earth’s time zones, a political map of the world.

Assignments: Using the world time zone map, solve the proposed tasks according to the samples.

1. Determine the time of day:

A) in London, if in Kiev -15.00;

B) in New York, if in Rome -19.00;

B) in Moscow, if in Dakar -12.00;

D) Mexico City, if in Warsaw -24.00;

D) in Lima, if in Canberra -18.00;

E) in Beijing, if in Delhi -6.00.

Sample: A) 1. London -0 hours. belt; Kiev – 2 hours. belt. 2. The difference in the time of 2 hours. 3. 15.00 – 2 pm – 13.00.

Answer: in London on the local time 13.00.

2. For how many hours and in what direction should the watch hands be transferred to passengers if they arrived:

A) from Kiev to New York;

B) from London to Beijing;

B) from Rio de Janeiro to Pretoria;

D) from Tokyo to Rome;

E) from Warsaw to Det;

E) from Madrid to Ottawa?

Sample: A) 1. Kiev – II hour. belt; New York – XIX hour. belt. 2. The difference in the local time between the II and XIX time zones is 7 hours.

Answer: Since New York is located west of Kiev, it is necessary to translate the clock hands to 7 hours ago.

3. In which hour the passenger will fly to Kiev, if he flew:

A) from Tashkent at 19.00, and the flight lasted 4 and;

B) from Moscow at 4 pm, and the flight lasted 2 hours;

B) from Ottawa at 10.00, and the flight lasted 8 hours;

D) from Canberra at 22.00, and the flight lasted 9 hours;

D) from Tokyo at 20.00, and the flight lasted 10 hours;

E) from Lisbon at 15.00, and the flight lasted 3 hours?

Sample: A) 1. Tashkent – V hour. belt, Kiev – II hour. belt. 2. The difference in the time zone is -3 hours. 3. 19.00 -3 hours + 4 hours flight – 20.00.

Answer: a passenger will arrive in Kiev at 20.00.



