Phraseologisms unchanged companions of our speech
In the textbook of the Russian language there is a saying: “Phraseological units are invariable companions of our speech, we often use them in everyday speech, sometimes even without noticing, because many of them are familiar and familiar from childhood.” Phraseologicalisms are stable combinations of words with a portable meaning. We often use them, talking about the things that are usual for us.
Vocabulary is a dictionary of the language. Phraseological units are lexical means that adorn our speech. In sentence number fifteen there is a phraseology “rolled up sleeves”. In this context, it means that if you want to change a person for the better, then you need to work on this for a very long time and persistently. Also in the text is used such lexical means as the epithet in sentence number thirteen “fragrant flowers”. Also in this sentence there is a metaphor “to plunge into man”. That is, it is good to know a person, his activities, what he is addicted to, what his life consists of. In sentence number eighteen there is a metaphor “I saw muck.” So, I saw something unpleasant, a bad deed, which is beyond morality.
Grammar accurately transmits the train of thought and helps us express ourselves. The sentence number eight is compound, it has two grammatical bases: the first – the door slammed, the second – I cried. These two sentences are connected by a constructive, adversative union, a. Proposal number nine is incomplete, there are a number of homogeneous additions that let you know why the teacher burst into tears.
I agree with the statement from the textbook of the Russian language, it is true. Each of us very often uses in his speech phraseological units, often without noticing it. They make our speech more expressive and rich. For literate speech one must use both grammatical and lexical means.
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