The artist-battleship Vasily Vasilyevich Vereshchagin reveals many of his paintings to us in the war-time. It would seem that we know a lot from history, heard the stories of old people, but have never seen separate episodes from which it’s just goose bumps. It is this opportunity that gives us Vasily Vereshchagin.
His painting “At the Assumption Cathedral” tells not about the military action, but about the attitude of the person himself to something spiritual and expensive. It depicts the blasphemous and barbaric attitude of the French army towards the religious relics of the Russian people. Disrespectful attitude to Russian culture was depicted by the author in the Assumption Cathedral. This is one of the most expensive shrines was founded in 1326. On the route of the French, she was turned into a stable and completely looted. Church icons were used instead of firewood, sometimes they were simply thrown away. The kitchen tables were altars. Precious things, like gold and silver buckets, dishes, censers, were simply abducted. In a barbarous way, nails were hammered into the faces of saints, and sometimes even slaughterhouses were staged.
In the painting “At the Assumption Cathedral” the author depicted the horses inside the cathedral in front of the altar. They are displayed in a row across the cathedral. Hay is lying on the floor everywhere. Also depicted a few soldiers. Some play cards, some take off or decorate, smoke. The picture itself is very rich, as small details: forged rims, chandeliers, the picture of the Saints, and the color scale. But from the fact that the predominantly golden color, it seems as if it all shines.
Looking at this picture, I would very much like that at any time and regardless of the situation we have never lost humanity and respect for each other.
Painting Vereshchagin “In the Assumption Cathedral”