Painting Repin “Do not wait”

Ilya Efimovich Repin – one of the greatest Russian artists. He achieved tops in art not only because of his enormous talent, but also his constant self-improvement. From the end of the seventies of the XIX century, one of the main themes of Repin’s paintings are typical moments of the biography of the Russian revolutionary. She devoted a lot of paintings of the artist, one of which – the picture “Do not wait.”

This work reflects reflections on the fate of the revolutionary who returned home from exile. We see in the picture the shining faces of a woman at the piano and the boy-schoolboy, who, obviously, was brought up in the spirit of love and respect for his father.

The portrait of Shevchenko on the wall shows that in this house the spirit of intelligence and populism is kept. In the whole painting of the picture the feeling of a pale blue air is expressed. All this allows us to assume that confusion from the first minute of the meeting should be replaced by hugs and joyful

Exclamations. But above all this dominates the silent dialogue of the two main figures – mother and son, who returned home. An elderly woman in black rose from her chair, her whole figure expresses a joyful amazement and a desire to hug her son as quickly as possible. It is still standing, but its body is slightly tilted forward, in what its spiritual impulse is visible. The whole space is filled with soft warm, light, which conveys the spirit of family comfort and love reigning in this family. The composition of the picture is constructed in such a way that the viewer turns into a visually present witness of what is happening, who can make his judgment about what happened.

The figure of the hero is slightly tense, but we understand that he is waiting for compassion and forgiveness, because he does not renounce his past, because his family took away his civil duty. Considering the picture of Repin “Not Waited,” we can conclude that here is depicted a situation full of drama and psychology.



