Painting Popovich “Did not take a fishing”

We look at the wonderful picture of the talented artist Popovich – “We did not take a fishing trip.” This plot is very sweet, but at the same time it’s a pity for this little boy in the foreground. How much emotion in his face, how sorry he is, because he was so prepared, even took a bucket and worms dug up, which can be understood because a cunning cock thievishly peeps in an attempt to sneak a delicacy.

The picture shows a simple Russian rural life. This simplicity always touched and made me think. After all, we understand how hard it was then for people to live, how much they had to do heavy physical labor.

A little boy with a bucket is almost a man, as he thinks himself, and he is on the verge not to cry, but men do not cry. In his thoughts there is only one question: “Why, why did not they take me?” His brother looks around, apparently he feels sorry for the baby. All tragedy is watched and sister, secretly looking out from behind the door.

The boy was not probably taken because he is still small, quickly tired, can start to make noise and scare the fish. Brothers understand this, but the baby does not. Looks like he’s only 3-4 years old. And, of course, at that age common sense can not prevail over feelings. Because he is sad. Also we can see that his brothers carry an oar, which means that fishing will be on the boat, which is all the more dangerous for a small child.

But we see all this, but how can he, how can he explain this? Unfortunately, we can only assume in our thoughts how we would think in this situation, what could they say, how to console and correctly explain. It’s good that there are paintings that make you think inside yourself, and then share your thoughts with the same reasoning people. How nice that there are artists who could so skilfully convey the plot.



