Among all the portraits of Repin, a special place is occupied by the porters of his family members. And it is justified by the fact that in such portraits the painter experiments most of all, since he writes them as if “for himself.”
One of the most famous portraits from the series of portraits of the family is the picture “Dragonfly”, which the artist wrote on his own summer residence near St. Petersburg back in 1884. In this portrait, the painter depicted his eldest daughter Vera Repin.
The composition of this picture is quite simple and straightforward. We see a girl, who cheerfully and carelessly shakes her legs sitting on a high enough crossbar. And the name of this picture is justified by the fact that this girl is really very similar to a cheerful dragonfly, which sits on a beautiful flower and slightly wags its thin transparent wings. When viewing the picture, it creates the feeling that the girl is about to slip down and fun to run somewhere to play with other guys.
The cap of this girl is amusingly fastened with a beautiful ribbon under her chin, the serious and at the same time fervent look of her dark eyes and sunny bunnies on her neck and cheek add the appearance of this girl to more spontaneity, and also this kind draws us into the world of carefree children’s games and dreams.
Painting by I. E. Repin “Dragonfly” stylistically differs from all other paintings of this artist. The technique of writing differs, the treatment of the image of the child, and the sensations of the moment most resemble the impressionistic.