Painting by Plastov “The First Snow”

Painting Plastov “First Snow” was written by the artist in 1946. On the canvas is a village house with a small front garden, a birch grows near the house, and a crow sits on a path. Two children, a boy and a girl, stand on the porch and admire the first snow. His light air flakes seem to circulate in a round dance, covering the ground like a swan’s down.

In my opinion, the artist painted an early morning, since enough snow had already fallen to cover the earth and the roof with his white fluff, And the first because the children’s delight on the face. The girl looks very spellbound, her gaze is fixed on the sky. The children probably saw out of the window that snow fell and did not believe it, ran out into the street, wearing only a hat and felt boots, the girl threw a shawl over her head.

At first the picture for me seemed gloomy, as the artist uses the contrast of dark and white, but, in my opinion, he does it in order to convey the whole atmosphere of the onset of winter. After all, people get tired of the gray and damp autumn, and the first snow for them is always a joy, because it’s getting lighter in the street, children start to sculpt snowmen and play snowballs.

I really love winter. Winter is for me, the magic time of the year. I like to go with friends to the ice rink, or ride a toboggan from the mountain. I like to go skiing in the woods. Winter is always a time of gifts and miracles. For the new year, usually the whole family we are going home at a big table, and we are making wishes for the chimes, and at Christmas we always go to visit our grandmother, she is preparing for us a holiday treat. I, like these children, always enjoy the first snow that has fallen out, and I certainly begin to prepare skis for the first hike. For me, the first snow always means the coming of the new year. I am grateful to the artist that at the sight of the picture, I was able to feel a sense of joy, like from the real first snow that fell out.

Painting by Plastov “The First Snow”