The streets are moving cars – it’s “emki” produced at the Soviet car factory, the artist showed us the changes that occurred in Moscow during the years of Soviet power.
Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov New Moscow.
Pimenov Yuri Ivanovich was born on November 26 (According to the new style, November 13 in the old), 1903. My father was a lawyer. He studied at VKHUTEMAS, after his graduation he founded the Society of Easelists.
In the initial period was influenced by German expressionism, which is clearly seen in his paintings of those years, which explains in many respects the over-dramatic sharpness of his best things of these years (The Invalides of War, 1926, The Russian Museum, Give the Heavy Industry!, 1927 , “Soldiers pass to the side of the revolution”, in 1932, both in the Tretyakov Gallery). Then he moved on to the image of the “beautiful moment”.
It is the instant that is depicted in the picture “New Moscow”. On the street of the renovated city, among the tall buildings, cars are moving and in the foreground there is a young woman confidently holding the wheel of the car. The pavement shines from the rain, but, perhaps, a watering machine has just passed.
The streets are moving cars – it’s “emki” produced at the Soviet car factory, the artist showed us the changes that occurred in Moscow during the years of Soviet power. There are many people on the street, cars, buses, trams are moving, a huge poster has been hung on the building for some holiday.
Ahead rise tall buildings that rise above two-three-story buildings of old buildings, looking at them, as if down. All this is very reminiscent of a shot from the film by Alexandrov and behind the wheel, it seems that Lyubov Orlova is sitting – a symbol of a new (then) time.
In general, the picture is saturated with joyful mood, and even a light haze is not able to smooth it.
Painting by Pimenov “New Moscow”