Dubrovsky NN in his painting “Rainbow” depicts the seascape. The skill of the master and the correct application of brush strokes convey almost photographic accuracy of the waves. On the waves a small wooden fishing boat easily rocks. But the fisherman is not engaged in fishing.
He looks fascinated at the rainbow, which came down from the sky with a multicolored huge wheel like a divine blessing. It, as if it is the embodiment of good against the backdrop of the cluby black clouds that threatened to hang over it. The man in the boat, even stood up, and looks attentively at the rainbow, as if he had been waiting for her for a long time, and finally, she appeared.
The peasant’s fisherman’s clothing speaks of his simple origin, and a little tense camp – about surprise and emotion. In the background, the mountains are visible. Perhaps, thanks to them, there is a feeling of loneliness and detachment from the outside world. And, perhaps, because of the predominance of blue and blue shades, the picture casts sadness.
A special, quivering sensation arises when you look at the work of NN Dubrovsky. As if, it contains in itself some unsolved mystery or riddle, which is given to comprehend only a few. It seems that there is an answer, but it constantly escapes.
Painting by Dubovsky “I saw a rainbow”