Painting by Bryullov “Self-portrait”

What would I say about myself if I had the opportunity? And if I had guessed that my descendants could read it, and those who like me, and even those who I might not like? The truth, or what I would like to see the truth? Self-portrait is very similar to the autobiography. Both there and there the viewer looks and evaluates. For someone, I would try to be better than there is in reality, which means that the truth would be hurt. But my vanity and vanity would be consoled.

Before me is the picture of Bryullov, where he is depicted already at a decent age, when a person has personal goals, some of them have already come true, there are aspirations and passions, because the artist can not write without emotions. What does he say about himself here? How did I see him?

The main attention of everyone who looks at the self-portrait of the artist, is riveted to the face and hand of the elderly already Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. His eyes, conveyed with incredible clarity, speak of the suffering the creator saw, and of something elusively airy, something like the dance of thoughts that are floating around. I can not believe that in the eyes of the one who gave the world so much beauty, there will be such unimaginable sadness. Eyes are full of silence, calmness and intelligence. They, bypassing the years, penetrate into every soul that looks at them. They ask questions that all can answer, if they look in themselves.

Arm! For an artist, this is an instrument that he skillfully uses. After all, sometimes one can see something beautiful that you want to hold in your memory. But will it be possible to transfer all the colors and forms on the canvas? Perhaps that’s why people invented cameras, that not everyone can even retell what they saw. A Bryullov could draw, observing the details, clearly conveying the quality of the peeped image. It was the hands of the great artist who were so strong and strong, despite the external frailty that they obeyed their master. They could make the world more beautiful in one movement. As poets in a word, so the artists enrich their souls and hearts with their pictures!



