Painting by Aivazovsky “Naval Battle of Navarino October 2, 1827”

This picture of Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky was written in 1846. The work is done with oil on canvas. The work is in the Higher Military Engineering School. F. E. Dzerzhinsky, St. Petersburg.
Naval battle in Navarino Bay (on the south-western coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula) between the Turkish-Egyptian fleet and the United Russia, Great Britain and France combined fleet during the Greek national liberation revolution of 1821-1929.
Allied squadrons were sent to put pressure on Turkey, which refused to comply with the requirements of the London Convention of 1827 granting Greece autonomy. The commanders of the squadrons were British Vice-Admiral E. Codrington, the Russian Rear Admiral LM Heiden and the French Rear Admiral AG de Rigny decided to enter the Navarino Bay, where the Turkish-Egyptian fleet commanded by Ibrahim Pasha (3 battleships, 23 frigates and about 40 corvettes and brigs, with up to 2,220 guns). The entrance to the bay was protected by coastal batteries (165 guns and 6 fire-ships). On October 8 (20), English (3 battleships, 4 frigates, 1 corvette and 3 brigs), French (3 battleships, 2 frigates, 2 corvettes) and Russian (4 battleships, 4 frigates) squadrons (total 1,676 guns) the general command of Codrington, as the senior in rank, entered the bay.
In battle, the Russian flagship “Azov”, under the command of Captain 1 rank MP Lazarev, was particularly distinguished. Allies lost more than 800 people. killed and wounded. The defeat of the Turkish fleet contributed to the national liberation struggle of Greece and the victory of Russia in the Russian-Turkish war of 1828-1929.

Painting by Aivazovsky “Naval Battle of Navarino October 2, 1827”