Nikolai Petrovich Bogdanov-Belsky – one of the best Russian artists, whose name has recently been unfairly forgotten. The main subjects of his work are peasants, their way of life, children and the most ordinary life. Such a theme is also devoted to the painting “New Masters”, which was written in 1913.
In this picture, the artist tried to convey the events of Russia, which occurred in those days almost everywhere. The nobles were then constantly ruined, lost in cards, and in their place, in their beautiful estates, new masters were settling in-simple peasants who used to work for them, but now have grown rich enough that they can afford to live in rich estates.
Looking at the picture “New Masters”, viewers see an ordinary peasant family, who sits at a round table in the living room and tea. The decoration of the room is very rich – the chairs on which mahogany households sit, the picture hanging on the wall is in a gold frame, next to the window there are a beautiful clock. And this situation contrasts sharply with the clothes in which the family is dressed – simple panties, shirts of cheap cloth, no jewelry. Peering into the picture, it becomes clear that the whole situation of the room has remained the family from the previous owners, and they still can not afford to change their clothes.
The family sits at this table and sips tea from the saucers into which they are poured from ordinary faceted glasses, so that it is slightly cooled. Immediately on the table lie a bagel, which has always been considered the favorite delicacy of all peasants. The family is not slow in drinking tea, but still there is a certain stiffness in their movements, because the memory is still so fresh that the rich masters at the same table drank tea from expensive cutlery, which they had to serve. They are not used to the fact that they have become the new masters of the estate, but they know that everything ahead of them is only good.
Painting Bogdanov Belsky “New Masters”