Russian is considered one of the most complex and rich languages in the world. He has a long history of his development. However, like Russia itself.
All the greatest writers and poets of our country have also entered the history of the Russian language. After all, they helped him to develop, making changes there, transforming it. It is easy to name a number of such names. This is MV Lomonosov with his theory of the “three calm”. This and NM Karamzin with his teaching about elegant “salon” speech. This, of course, is also Pushkin, who made great changes in the Russian literary language of the 19th century. And indeed all talented Russian writers and poets influenced the Russian language through their creations.
Language is not a random set of letters and words. It is a system. We see the wealth of the Russian language at all its levels, from sounds to complex sentences and whole texts. For example, in Russian, one of the few, there is a division of verbs into faces. This is not in English and many other languages. In the phonetics of the Russian language there are several divisions of sounds: sonorous, deaf, sonorous, only sonorous and only deaf, soft and hard, only soft and only firm sounds. In addition, there are also letters that do not denote any sounds (for example, soft and hard marks), as well as letters denoting several sounds in certain positions (vowels E, E, S, H).
Enormous wealth is fraught with the vocabulary of the Russian language. There are many words in it to denote not only feelings or actions, but even for their shades. In the Russian language there are huge numbers of synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, homonyms. Only a Russian person can look his beloved in the eye, admire the eyes of the goddess, spit into the zenki neighbor and threaten to stab out the morhals to the enemy.
The vocabulary of the Russian language has developed so much that it contains many branches. This is professional, youth jargon; a variety of secret languages (for example, the language of the underworld) and so on. The study of these sublanguages deals with a lot of Russian and foreign scientists. All of them admire the richness of our language, its inexhaustible possibilities.
In the modern world, we talk and write with the help of the language. Therefore, we have spoken and written language. Written, or literary, the language is one for all. And there are a lot of oral languages. And not always Russian people can easily understand each other.
For example, residents of villages and small towns (especially the elderly) use words and expressions, unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar to the inhabitants of megacities. And vice versa.
This is because in the Russian language there are dialects, words, expressions and features of pronunciation, which are inherent only in the inhabitants of a single locality. It is known that in the south of Russia a snake is called “goat”, a hut “hut”. A wonderful example of dialect words was given to us by S. Yesenin in his poem “In the Hut”: It
smells of loose dragons;
At the threshold in the caress of kvass,
Above the stoves are chiseled
Cockroaches climb into the groove.
Only in this quatrain we find two dialectal words (draceni, dezhka) and two words related to the designation of village life (chiseled stoves, groove). The other stanzas of this poem are also full of vivid dialect words. With this work Yesenin once again proved the wealth of not only literary, but also folk, “village” language.
It is known that the Russian language is one of the most difficult to study. All foreigners who want to learn our language speak about this. It is difficult for them to embrace all the vocabulary of the Russian language, to master the intricacies of the grammatical system, to learn how to correctly formulate sentences. But, nevertheless, the number of foreigners studying our language does not decrease. This is largely due to our great classical literature. Residents of other countries are eager to read the works of Pushkin, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky in the original language.
Mother tongue is a part of national culture and a very important part of every person. Undoubtedly, one must know and cherish his native language. It is also important how to know and respect the languages of other peoples:
And we have no other property!
Be able to protect
At least in moderation of strength, in days of anger and suffering,
Our gift is immortal – speech.
I. Bunin. Word.
On the wealth of the Russian language