After reading the article of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, I finally understood what it means to be intelligent and how this helps a person in life, allows him to live a long and useful life.
The author of the article speaks about what he experienced on his own life experience, because Academician Likhachev lived a long, happy life. Happy in the sense that, looking back, he sees his need for society, sees that he lived a life not in vain. “Everyone would have us,” I thought, reaching to these lines, “such a feeling at the end of the passed path!”
Likhachev’s idea that intelligence helps to live a long life is interesting. The author speaks of the spiritual, spiritual weakness of non-intellectual people. It makes us think that the mental weakness leads to physical weakness.
I also became interested in the author’s words about beauty. An intelligent person, according to DS Likhachev, is always beautiful. Friendliness and kindness are immutable companions of beauty.
After getting acquainted with the article by Academician Likhachev on intelligence, I learned much more about how to live, so that it would not be shameful for an aimlessly lived life!