My favorite sport is figure skating
I like figure skating. Many do not understand how a boy might like it, but it is.
I once in a deep childhood with the submission of my father began to practice hockey. They put skates on, they gave us a school of endurance… But I realized that team games, in general, are not for me. Yes, I did not even want to watch matches on television. And before us skaters came to train skaters. I liked to come early and watch. Indeed, it’s so beautiful…
He began to watch figure skating on TV. All their pirouettes seemed to me something unattainable for me. As if ballet! But that’s real art, not a stick to wave. Somehow I was invited to try, so I refused first. And then he approached their coach to ask if I have the ability… or did he joke? But the coach said that the main thing is desire.
Everyone admires Yagudin and Plushenko. For me they have become just idols. What skill! What artistry, what work! They suffered so many injuries, but this did not stop the champions.
In general, to the general surprise, I began to do figure skating. And quickly make progress! In a pair I do not dance – “solitary”, I myself control the choice of music, the selection of a suit. I train every free moment – I work out to shine. There are already first achievements… But even more plans!
I also dream of becoming a champion, dancing in some serious staging on the ice – in a historical performance. You can make your show, go on tour all over the country. Now there are so many modern ice rinks! After I want to become a coach – to prepare a shift.
I can not imagine my life without figure skating! It is for me… Or am I for it?
It’s art and sport, beauty and strength… Even words can not convey! If you are not engaged in figure skating, then at least watch the broadcast of speeches and ice shows!