My Favorite Artist

Honestly, it’s very difficult for me to single out from the artists, whose pictures I managed to see, one of them. I like landscapes and portraits, views of the sea raging and tranquil, I’m happy to look at picture-stories, picture-stories. But Iepin Repin is the closest fellow to me, my fellow countryman, in the museum of which I have visited more than once. My grandmother was born in Chuguev, near Kharkov, where his paintings are collected in the Repin Museum. Almost everyone knows his work such as “Burlaki on the Volga”. This picture causes such pity for the unfortunate barge haulers, who hardly pull the heavy barge. Known picture “Do not wait.” It shows an unexpected return from the link of the native person, in the views of family members clearly visible and the joy and surprise, and some confusion. A very strong impression is produced by the historical picture “

Only listed works of the artist speak of his wide popularity, so I decided to share it about him with my poor impressions.



