Music in my life

There are many things, and not only material, without which a person does not represent his life. For me, one of such spiritual things is music.

I really enjoy listening to music anytime. If I have a good mood, then I prefer fun, clockwork music. When I’m sad, then the music is appropriate, slow, quiet, sad. Sometimes I really like to do something with music. For example, when I clean the house, I loudly listen to my favorite songs, dance and sing along. Sometimes, when I can not fall asleep, I turn on the music quietly, take the headphones and fall asleep. And just when you want to relax a bit, it’s better to get distracted like music and not find it.

Sometimes there are such songs that you just listen and, it seems, as if it were written about you. And with the help of music it’s much easier to express your feelings, emotions, explain something. For me, music is very important. With it, it is much easier for me to experience difficult moments and to enjoy life more joyfully. Even any holiday, whether it’s a big event or a little name-day, does not do without music and songs. My phone and laptop are filled with different music. So she is always with me and from this it is much easier, more pleasant and more fun to go through life.



