Main events, information and facts on the topic “Slavs and their neighbors” in the tables

The Czech Kingdom


Polish Kingdom

1085 – Prince Vratislav II receives the title of King of Bohemia; Economically developed country in the Holy Roman Empire

OK. 1000 year – the formation of the Hungarian state István I The Holy – the founder of the Hungarian state

X century. – the formation of the Polish state; Mieszko I, Boleslav Brave – completion of the process of unification of Polish lands in a single state

1356 – “The Golden Bull” of Charles IV – Czech independence; domination of the Catholic Church

1222 – András II’s “Golden Bull”

1385 – Krevskaya union

1371-1415 – Jan Hus

1526 – Hungary is divided between Austria and Turkey

1387 – Poland captured Galicia

1419-1434 – the Hussite wars; currents of the Hussite movement: chashniki and taborites. 1434 – Battle of Lipany

Matiash Corwin

1410 – Battle of Grunwald

1526 – The Czech Republic became part of Austria

The body of the estate representative – the State Assembly

Body of estate representation – diet

North-Eastern Russia

The Vladimir-Suzdal Principality

The Novgorod boyar republic

Moscow State

1147 – the first mention of Moscow

The reasons for the unification of lands around Moscow:

    Favorable geographical position; Remoteness from the Mongols; increase in the number of people due to resettlers; relations with the Horde; A certain order of inheritance of the throne; The transfer of the metropolia to Moscow; The successful economic policy of the princes.

Outstanding princes of the Moscow state:

Yuri Dolgoruky: the first mention of Moscow

Andrei Bogolyubsky: transfer of the prince’s throne to Vladimir-on-Klyazma

Ivan Kalita: increase in the land holdings of the Moscow Principality

Dmitry Donskoy: The Battle of Kulikovo

Ivan III Vasilievich: “Grand Duke of All Russia,” “Code of Law”

The struggle against Mongol domination:

1380 – Battle of the Kulikovo Field; defeat of the troops of the Golden Horde – “Mamaevo Battle”

1480 – “Standing on the Ugra River” – the final elimination of Mongol rule

Culture of North-Eastern Russia




Schools in churches and monasteries


First it was conducted in separate cities, from the XV century. the center of the chronicle is Moscow


“Zadonshchina”, “The Legend of the Mamai Battle”, “The Journey of the Three Seas” by Afanasy Nikitin


1366 – the beginning of the construction of the stone Kremlin

1422 – Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

1479 – Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin; Hagia Sophia in Novgorod

1491 – Faceted Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin


Frescos. Icons. Theophanes the Greek. Dionysius;

Andrei Rublev, “The Trinity”


Turkish conquests and the creation of the Ottoman Empire


Turkish conquests


Ottoman conquest of the Byzantine possessions in Asia Minor and the creation of the Ottoman Empire


Capture of Murad I Adrianople and the beginning of the conquest of the South Slavic states


The Battle of Kosovo and the conquest of most of Serbia


The fall of Constantinople; the fall of the Byzantine Empire

After 1453

The Ottoman Empire with its capital in Istanbul; subordination of the Crimea to the Turks



